Starting a business is not easy, especially without any financial assistance. Thankfully, there are a few smart strategies you can use to secure a loan for a start-up but will require some work from your end. Below is a step by step guide that’ll help you obtain a loan to kick-start the business of your dreams:
Be aware of the start-up costs
It would be in your best interest to have all the necessary estimates at the tips of your fingers before approaching your lender. Approaching your lender is like approaching the girl of your dreams. It requires a lot of pre-planning before the final execution. The last thing you want to resort to in this situation is guesswork. As enticing as guessing is, don’t resort to it! And while you’re at it, you should also be working towards building your credit score. That way, potential creditors will have an easy time giving you the much-needed financial boost.
Build your assets
If you want to access loans for start ups with ease, then start by accruing a few valuable assets. Having assets is the best form of assurance to your prospective creditors that you’re not a flight risk. Way too many guys who look just like you have in the past been awarded loans and boof! They disappeared. Never to be seen again. But if you have valuable assets to your name, then it’ll be easier for you to secure the loan. The assets in question may include the business itself, a piece of land, a building, bonds, etc.
Have a customer base
Another essential thing that creditors love to look out for is the customer base. If your business doesn’t have customers, then that’s not a business. It’s a joke… a terrible joke. And creditors don’t invest in-jokes, well, unless you’re running a comedy show. So, before approaching anyone for loans for startups, then you have to find a customer base. And the best way to have a customer base is by offering something that they want. Plain and simple.
I know the opening statement is enough to discourage half of the millennials reading this piece. So, I am glad that you made it to this point without throwing in the proverbial towel. Still, starting a business is not easy. So, you have to endure the hard times and even have a backup plan should it fail to take off. And no, your back up plan shouldn’t be taking off with the loan and pray for the gods to sort the bank out.
You might want to have some money, or assets set aside as a backup plan. You might also want to have a financial advisor to guide you. And by a financial advisor, I don’t mean your drinking buddies. You might want to find a seasoned business person, preferably one who is successful in the line of business you’re looking to invest.
That way, he or she will guide you well, making sure you’re making rookie mistakes that’ll end up weighing you down. Once you’ve done all the above and you feel ready, then proceed to get your loan. See? Getting loans for startups isn’t as complicated as many make it seem. Try all the steps above, and when you become a billionaire, give me a call.
Good Luck!